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Who We Are

Maryland Peace Action is the Maryland affiliate of Peace Action, the nation’s largest peace organization, formed by the merger of SANE which was founded in 1957, and the Nuclear Freeze Campaign.

We aim to achieve a world free of nuclear weapons, resolve international conflicts through cooperation and diplomacy, and shift resources away from militarism and towards human needs and a sustainable climate.

Even during the time of the coronavirus pandemic, Maryland Peace Action organizes to change U.S. foreign policy, toward justice and sustainable peace.

Get acquainted with our Board of Directors!

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Click below to connect to a local chapter. Email us to start a campus chapter.

Anne Arundel Peace Action
Baltimore Peace Action
Frederick Peace Action
Howard County Peace Action
Maryland Peace Action Board
Maryland United for Peace and Justice
Peace Action Montgomery
Prince Georges County Peace and Justice Coalition

Here are some of our allies:

Prevent Nuclear War/MD